
Saturday, May 21, 2005


Plow and Hearth had their bi-annual tent sale. See the cool things I got for the yard?

A new all wicker swing to replace the nasty steel tube and rotten wood one.

The new glider on the porch.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Flowering plum tree in the front. It doesn't produce fruit. I think the "plum" refers to the leaf color.

Japanese maple in the front yard.

My favorite place to laze around this summer.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

For pure cuteness' sake, I present Mr. Woogie-Pants.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Starting Point

I'm going through my older pictures and putting some up so you can get an idea of what I was starting from. Perhaps I"ll poke around with the camera today after I pick up a couple truckloads of mulch.

Beginnig stages of the veggie garden

Beginning stages of the herb garden.

The dining room in the midst of unpacking.

The living room prior to unpacking.

The laundry room in the midst of painting. Notice the yucky brown floor.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

A few random pics until I get things a bit more organized.

One of a matching set of potted gardens flanking the garage.

A fabulous tulip in my front garden.

The uuuugly green bath partway through its paint job.

The uuuugly green half-bath before I painted it.

This is the exterior of house prior to my taking residence.

New House

I've been getting a lot of requests for photos of my new house. I've set up this site just to satisfy those of you who have been asking. Hopefully, I can document continuing progress on my little plot of land and humble abode.

Please feel welcome to drop by anytime...both electronically and in reality.