We did a lot of lounging, reading, and soaking up the sun. I went on a snorkeling trip to Looe Key. It was the first time I had been snorkeling in "open" waters that were not near shore. It was a bit nerve wracking and I quickly got used to it. I was also out there by myself, as C decided to stay on the boat and chat with the Captain. I got to see a lot of barracuda, yellow snapper, many types of coral and a baby blacktip reef shark.
The sunset from Little Palm Island.
Many things to do on Little Palm Island.
Sunset from Key West
Key Lime Pie...on a stick...dipped in dark chocolate. YUM!
Tropical refreshment for a tropical vacation.
Okay...can I just say that I'm super duper jealous! What an awesome get-away! Did you get any great Key lime pie? I get nervous about snorkeling. I love...and hate it. Freaks me out every time!
Will you not get a break from work for the next 6 months? yikes.
The pie at the resort was really good, but our favorite was pie on a stick! We just opened a second hospital and need at least 4-6 more doctors. We get 2 more in August. What that means is increased shifts and less flexibility in getting an extended period of time off.
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