It used to be just pictures of the house and garden. Then I added vacations and a boyfriend. I've since turned the boyfriend into a husband and added two babies to the mix. Occasionally I will throw in some cooking and crafting. (Click on photos to view them larger)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Feeling better
He's feeling better. Monday night, he woke up every two hours crying and screaming. Tuesday, C stayed home to help me with him. Late in the afternoon, we noted nasty, thick, white fluid leaking from his left ear. He was back to his usual good humored self. I didn't have the equipment to look into his ear adequately, but the best assumption is that he had an ear infection and his ear drum finally ruptured, releasing all the pressure and goo. I had a colleague look at his ear, but there was too much gunk leaking out to see his ear drum. We have him on antibiotic drops now and will recheck with his pediatrician on Monday.
I'm also happy to say that he is feeling better just in time for his FIVE MONTH Birthday! He consistently now rolls from back to tummy, but gets very angry because he hasn't figured out how to go back the other direction. He has discovered his feet in the past couple of days and has been grabbing at them. He can raise his head up when laying on his tummy. He loves to grab Mommy's hair and chew on it. In fact, anything he can grab goes straight to the mouth right now. The drool is also tremendous. He continues to talk, laugh, and giggle. He finds it especially funny when Mommy dances around like a goofball while humming tuneless tunes.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
New milestone!
Crazy baby hair! His hair is starting to get so long! Some day we will have to cut it and all those brown baby wisps will be gone and we will have a towheaded baby on our hands.
For the past several weeks, Spenser has been spinning in his crib. We will lay him down in one direction and when we check on him later, he has turned 90 degrees from where he started. This morning, he was also on his tummy!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Cuteness overload!
This is the smile I found waiting for me after naptime this morning.
Naked baby on the changing table! He's naturally modest..unlike Mommy and Daddy. We're really lucky to have such a good natured, happy baby.
Naked baby on the changing table! He's naturally modest..unlike Mommy and Daddy. We're really lucky to have such a good natured, happy baby.
First artwork
I was picking up Spenser from school yesterday when I noticed artwork on the wall. Spenser made his first finger painting! Picture's a bit blurry since it was taken with my cheap-O camera phone.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The small baby managed to roll from his tummy to his back today. I only caught it out of the corner of my eye so I rolled him back to his tummy to see if he would do it again. Nope. Apparently once a day was good enough for him.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Spring time!

Monday, April 05, 2010
Spenser and his Daddy
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Happy Easter! March Redux
We've had a very busy month and March flew by. There were a lot of big firsts this month and I'll try to remember them all.
The biggest thing that happened is that Spenser went on his first plane trip! His aunt Leslie was getting married back in good old PC, so we made our way back to participate in the festivities and meet all his aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other assorted relatives. He did great on the plane...either looking out the window, standing up and taking it all in, playing with his toys or sleeping. In fact, he did better than 90% of the other passengers and had less carry on baggage!

Taking a bath in the kitchen sink at Grandma and Grandpa B's house. Rumor has it there is a similar photo of Mommy somewhere.

Sitting with Great-Grandpa Jones. We're very lucky to still have great grandparents!

Great-Grandma Martin, Great Aunt Terry, Grandma Gail, and Great Aunt Beverly at Leslie's wedding shower.
Hanging out with Uncle Nathan at the shower.
The lovely bride and her father (Grandpa Gene). She had a blizzard that dropped 5" of snow on the ground so things were moved inside. Everything was still just as lovely and fun!

Spenser promptly fell asleep as the music was cued up. He was exceptionally cute in his little sailor outfit.
The radiant bride and her handsome groom. Welcome to the family, Daamon!
The morning after, we got together for breakfast. Great Grandma Martin is quite smitten with the new baby in the family!
Lovely Leslie, newly wed, with her handsome nephew.
We went to Edmond to visit with old friends. Thank you, Christina for opening your house and cooking some awesome food. Somehow, I managed to get NO photos of Christina or our other friend, Jon. Sorry Jon, no front page mention.
We did get this shot with Claire. She was quite fascinated with how Spenser ate and had a million questions for me.
Grandma Marilyn loved squeezing Spenser!
Grandpa Eldon. Here we have three generations of Georges all together.

Here he is in his cute sailor outfit laying on the quilt his Great Aunt Renee made for him. Thank you so much!
Back home, the weather has turned sunny and warm. The cool guy has to wear his shades.
Oh my gosh! Spenser turned 4 months old this month!
Matching overalls for playing in the yard! (or doing yardwork depending on how big you are.)
The Easter bunny came to visit. Spenser isn't quite old enough to be impressed yet.
He really likes this exersaucer that we are borrowing from friends. Lots of squealing and bouncing around.
The biggest thing that happened is that Spenser went on his first plane trip! His aunt Leslie was getting married back in good old PC, so we made our way back to participate in the festivities and meet all his aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other assorted relatives. He did great on the plane...either looking out the window, standing up and taking it all in, playing with his toys or sleeping. In fact, he did better than 90% of the other passengers and had less carry on baggage!
Taking a bath in the kitchen sink at Grandma and Grandpa B's house. Rumor has it there is a similar photo of Mommy somewhere.
Sitting with Great-Grandpa Jones. We're very lucky to still have great grandparents!
Great-Grandma Martin, Great Aunt Terry, Grandma Gail, and Great Aunt Beverly at Leslie's wedding shower.
Spenser promptly fell asleep as the music was cued up. He was exceptionally cute in his little sailor outfit.
Here he is in his cute sailor outfit laying on the quilt his Great Aunt Renee made for him. Thank you so much!
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