We've had a very busy month and March flew by. There were a lot of big firsts this month and I'll try to remember them all.
The biggest thing that happened is that Spenser went on his first plane trip! His aunt Leslie was getting married back in good old PC, so we made our way back to participate in the festivities and meet all his aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other assorted relatives. He did great on the plane...either looking out the window, standing up and taking it all in, playing with his toys or sleeping. In fact, he did better than 90% of the other passengers and had less carry on baggage!
Taking a bath in the kitchen sink at Grandma and Grandpa B's house. Rumor has it there is a similar photo of Mommy somewhere.
Sitting with Great-Grandpa Jones. We're very lucky to still have great grandparents!

Great-Grandma Martin, Great Aunt Terry, Grandma Gail, and Great Aunt Beverly at Leslie's wedding shower.

Hanging out with Uncle Nathan at the shower.

The lovely bride and her father (Grandpa Gene). She had a blizzard that dropped 5" of snow on the ground so things were moved inside. Everything was still just as lovely and fun!
Spenser promptly fell asleep as the music was cued up. He was exceptionally cute in his little sailor outfit.

The radiant bride and her handsome groom. Welcome to the family, Daamon!

The morning after, we got together for breakfast. Great Grandma Martin is quite smitten with the new baby in the family!

Lovely Leslie, newly wed, with her handsome nephew.

We went to Edmond to visit with old friends. Thank you, Christina for opening your house and cooking some awesome food. Somehow, I managed to get NO photos of Christina or our other friend, Jon. Sorry Jon, no front page mention.

We did get this shot with Claire. She was quite fascinated with how Spenser ate and had a million questions for me.

Grandma Marilyn loved squeezing Spenser!

Grandpa Eldon. Here we have three generations of Georges all together.

Here he is in his cute sailor outfit laying on the quilt his Great Aunt Renee made for him. Thank you so much!

Back home, the weather has turned sunny and warm. The cool guy has to wear his shades.

Oh my gosh! Spenser turned 4 months old this month!

Matching overalls for playing in the yard! (or doing yardwork depending on how big you are.)

Happy Easter!

The Easter bunny came to visit. Spenser isn't quite old enough to be impressed yet.

He really likes this exersaucer that we are borrowing from friends. Lots of squealing and bouncing around.
Now tell me who is going to be eating all of those chocolate bunnies?
Who is that funny looking gug in the green sweater.....At least my wife thinks I look cute.
Spencer is the perfect gentlman. :) at least until he got handed off. Great to see you guys.
Now where is that priceline link....for flights to DC :)
Although I really think he looks like you most of the time, I do think he looks like Chip's baby pics in the one w/ my Mom.
The 4 month pic cracks me up. I also find if quite funny that Chip grew up on an Oklahoma farm, yet the 1st time I've ever seen him in overalls is to do yard work in his VA yard. Something is not quite right w/ that. The bunny ears pic cracks me up even more than the 4 month pic.
And I was wondering the same thing as your Mom regarding the Easter candy. Owen only got a stuffed duck for his 1st Easter, no candy thank goodness, as I do fear I would have eaten it. Haha. It's so much fun spoiling them at the holidays & it only gets better when they are "old enough to be impressed".
I miss those "chubby cheeks". :)
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