Solid foods are going better. He's figured out that the spoon is actually putting yummy stuff in his mouth and he should swallow it.
Yummy sweet potato! He's also digging on the cheerios and yogurt melts (little freeze dried blobs of yogurt)
In non-baby related news, we've started overhauling the front garden. It has gotten overgrown and crowded. Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the garden before we started, so this picture is after we removed 6 large barberries, 4 creeping junipers and several large clumps of mums and daylilies. We dug up the remaining azaleas to relocate them and divided clumps of monkey grass to spread them around. We put down some soaker hoses and mulched the area.
We're only about a quarter of the way done with the entire garden, but I think it's a nice start. We'll throw some annuals in this bed just to have some color in it for the summer and maybe add a couple of evergreen type plants in the fall. Oh, and the two big black bags with plants are potato bags growing Yukon golds.
I can see that I need to be making more bibs. The yard is looking good. I like it not so crowded. Grandma Gail
What a cutie pie! One of the things I noticed first when we started the girls on solid foods is the big change in their dirty diapers...they got extra stinky and yucky! LOL! Love the yard! Looks great! What kind of tree is that? Are your potatoes taking off?
Oh he's so darn adorable! Mine are all so big now; it makes me miss the baby days. :)
Wow!,Mom Kennedy finally figured out the blogspot! I just kept laughing at the adorable precious little faces. Love the photo album.Love, Grammy
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