Yup, Christmas and the New Year has just flown by. We've been hunkered down at home, working, playing and trying to keep warm in the frigid winter. I worked Christmas Day. I came home and C and I started cooking furiously. C had already smoked a turkey breast, so all we had to come up with were side dishes and dessert. Dinner was rounded out by creamed spinach, cheese grits and homemade rolls. We followed it up with Jack Daniel's Chocolate Pecan Pie. Spenser was pretty amused by opening gifts, but all gift opening stopped when he unwrapped a tiny baby sized broom that C had got him. All bets were off. He was completely enamored and ran around, sweeping the floor and swinging the broom through the air.
For New Year's, we had a couple of friends over for Detroit Style Pizza. Their little girl is 2, so our festivities were done by 8 PM and we were down for the night by 9 PM. Sadly, I think this is evidence of my domestication. I don't even feel like I missed out on much by not getting to go out and Party it up.....not that I could drink anyway.
Yes, for anyone that missed the hint in the last post, we are expecting bambino #2 in July. We're 16 weeks along and we'll find out the sex in about 4 more weeks. We are very, very excited about this.
And, to finish, I give you: Spenser's first taste of Oreos. I don't think it would exaggerating to say he really, really, really liked it.
1 comment:
Wow! Spenser has really grown since the last photos you've posted!
What's not to like about Oreos?
Congratulations on baby #2! That's too exciting!
Personally, I think staying up to ring in the New Year is highly overrated. I'd rather sleep! LOL!
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