We have this odd corner in the backyard that is shaded to the south and west by the house. The grass never grew here very well and was very mossy. A couple of weekends ago, we put in a shade garden. Because it was near the foundation, we had to heavily amend the soil with compost, manure, peat moss and garden soil. We have a mix of daylilies, hosta, ferns, coral bells, lily of the valley, bleeding heart, and forget me nots. So far, things seem to be sprouting well.
It's was rather hot and sticky yesterday, so I stripped Spenser down and started filling up his little pool. He had more fun playing with the hose than actually getting into the water. Oh well, nothing is cuter than a naked baby playing in the yard.
Playing with the hose got boring after a while, so he decided to go adventuring about the yard.
C was in the process of putting together a playhouse/slide/climber thing. Spenser couldn't wait to "help" and do some test climbing.