
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Harper Lynn is here!

Harper Lynn was born on 7/11/11 at 5:13 PM. She weighed in at a healthy 8 lb 11 oz and is 20 inches long. Everyone in the family is doing great. We had a 10 hour induction (as opposed to Spenser's 4 day one) and she was delivered after only two pushes. She was bright eyed and wide awake after delivery and nursed without difficulty for an hour within the first thirty minutes of making her debut. We are hoping to be discharged home later this evening and I will start getting pictures up after we get settled in. If you can't wait that long, I do have a single picture up on my flickr account at If you need my user name, make sure I know who you are and how to email you.


Erin said...

Hooray! Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you guys!
-Jon and Carrie

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...


Can't wait to see photos! It sounds like your L&D went smoothly.

I need photos! :-)
{happy dance}