Our baby girl is 4 months old! Time is going by so swiftly, yet we can hardly remember as a tiny little newborn. She weighed in at 15 lb, 16 1/2 oz and was 26 inches long. That's 2 inches longer than she was at her 2 month visit! It makes my bones ache just to think about growing that fast. She's become very vocal with lots of screeching and cooing. She still sleeps about 12 hours a night, which has caused my milk to quit on us. She doesn't seem to mind and actually prefers the bottle since she can eat much faster that way. She still likes to eat about every 2 hours, but don't be late with the food. She gets very loud and opinionated when she has to wait to eat. She is very alert and interested in everything going on. She definitely keeps a sharp eye on Spenser. She can easily roll to her side.

She immediately took to the Exersaucer, batting the toys and chewing and drooling on anything she could get near her mouth.

Spenser has a new way of "smiling" for the camera. I'm not sure where he got the idea that this was the way to do it.

On Halloween, Daddy sits with Little Red Riding Hood and the (
not so) Big Bad Wolf. Harper visited just a couple of neighboring houses before going home. Spenser and I went almost all the way around the block. Unfortunately, he wanted to be carried most of the time, which limited how far I could go. He was very interested in the other kids and wanted to talk about the houses that didn't have their lights on. His commentary ran along the line of, "Houses dark, in bed, night night" and "Look at the kids!" He was pretty bashful about approaching doors and saying trick or treat, but he still got plenty of candy for an almost two year old.

Yay! Grandma Gail made us more bibs! I picked out the fabrics and she sewed them up from a pattern we created when Spenser was little. These are double sided and have an internal flannel lining to soak up the slobbers. So cute and much more fashionable than the ones you can find at the store.
Owen had a similar "smile" when he was about this age. Maybe all kids go through a stage like this. (Or it just runs in the family. Ha!) Not sure when he grew out of it. I have a funny one taken at your wedding which would have made him almost 4.
The Halloween costume theme was a cute idea. Love that wolf costume.
I love the costumes!!!!
I can't wait to see that beautiful girl and handsome boy.
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