Our gorgeous girl turned 6 months old on January 11th. We were in the midst of her first big trip to Oklahoma when she had her happy day. She seems to grow and change so much every day. At her doctor's visit, she now weighs 18 lbs and 8 oz. She is 26 3/4" long and her head is 17" around.

Right after we got home from Oklahoma, we noticed that the outline of a teeny baby tooth can be seen in her bottom gum line. A few days after that, we could start to feel the razor sharp edge of it, though it isn't poking through enough to be seen as a pearly white yet. We have since noticed a second tooth outline can be seen right next to it.

She sits up on her own. She loves to play with her feet. She will mimic sounds and is starting to "talk". She can easily roll from her back to her stomach and back again. She can get to her stomach from sitting. She is also an excellent copycat...clapping her hands or "dancing" when you do it first.

She loves Spenser and he's figured out that he can make her laugh. It's hilarious to watch him ham it up just to make Harper laugh.
1 comment:
What a pretty girl
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