The kids are having a great time with August swimming lessons. Spenser took the level 1 course in June and has stepped up to the level 2 course. Harper made the age cut off for the level 1 course by 2 weeks. She is by far the youngest and most "baby" of the 5 kids in her group. She also has the least amount of fear. She already kicks and paddles underwater. She freaks out the teachers because they can't tell if she is struggling or not. She is also freely jumping off the diving board, something Spenser is just starting to do.
Meanwhile, I'm having a big dose of mommy guilt. My board exams are due this year. (How could 10 years have flown by so fast!) I'm taking a review class for the next four days. The class is only an hour drive away, but because it is an 11 hour day, I've chosen to stay in a hotel where the class is being held. I miss my babies and my sweety! I know that if I were driving back and forth that I wouldn't see much of anyone anyway, but I would still have the options of snuggling Spenser while he sleeps.
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