
Saturday, September 10, 2011


On Wednesday, Harper was doing tummy time and rolled from front to back on her own...only about 2 months early!

That same day, I made an attempt at grocery shopping with both babies at once. Spenser was in a particularly cooperative mood and stayed in the cart. I was wearing Harper in our mei tai carrier. A sweet lady who looked to be about 90 years old was cruising by in her electric scooter when she stopped us. She was quite taken with the babies and mostly enamored by Spenser. After asking permission, she gave him a lollypop for being so cute. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the attention, but happily took the candy.

1 comment:

gail said...

Men used to comment on how cute you were while in the cart at the grocery store. Many times they would offer you a nickle or quarter. I am surprised that you did not start to carry your piggy bank with you. :) Grandma Gail