Spenser had his 9 month check up today! Here are his stats and for comparison, in parentheses will be his stats from 3 days old. He was 22 lb 9 oz (6 lb 10 1/2 oz), 28 1/2" long (19 1/2"), and his head was 18" (13 3/4").
He's still such a happy, easy going baby! He has 2 teeth on the bottom and appears to be working on some on top. The drool has been pretty relentless! Despite the scarcity of his teeth, he wants to eat anything the grown ups are eating!
Grandma Gail recently visited and made these awesome new drool bibs for him!
Spenser and his daddy eating mommy's homemade bread and blackberry jam. Grandma Gail and I went out to Miller's Farms and picked the last blackberries of the season. The tasty results were definitely worth wading through the weeds and bugs for.
Grandma Gail and Spenser at breakfast. We were so busy doing fun things like swimming an digging dirt in the garden that we didn't take any other pictures.
In more important news, Spenser is officially crawling! Watch out, cats!
Go Spenser!!!
Love the music! I wasn't expecting music, & for some reason the volume was up really high on our computer, but it cracked me up. Owen especially loves the videos.
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