Spenser has become a whirling dervish in these past few days. He's mastered crawling and is zooming all over the house. He's trying to open all the cabinet doors and drawers. He bangs on anything he sees with his wooden spoon. He's pulled up to standing a few times and has made a couple of unsuccessful attempts at going up the stairs. He has so much energy that just watching him makes me tired! He has started clapping his hands. Today, we noticed the outline of a little tooth starting to poke through on his upper gum. Yay! The drool rate will slow down a bit for a while.

This is his sneaky look.

I love his happy smile here!

Working on the stairs. He gets up to this point and then just gets stuck. He gets very frustrated and yells a lot because he can't figure out how to go up and he can't get back down to sitting yet.
Watch out world, here comes Spenser.
In the top picture he looks so impish. I love the smile in the 2nd picture.
Wow! One busy little boy who has to explore the world! He's absolutely darling! Just love those top two photos. Just so cute! (I wish had their energy!)
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