Santa Claus came to our house! He stuffed our stockings and left presents, both wrapped and not, strewn about the living room.

Although Spenser was awake at 6 AM, it was not in anticipation of all the exciting presents and Santa's night time visit. He was ready for oatmeal ( his favorite breakfast right now). He was kind of a grumpy pants to start things off.

This shiny new red kitchen quickly caught his eye. It will look really nice with the newly painted red and aqua play room in the basement.

Harper had a stocking full of fun new things to chew on. She was pretty unimpressed with the whole thing.

After a breakfast of tapioca pudding ( breakfast of champions, I tell you!), Spenser was in a much better mood. One of my best presents was getting this nice smile out of him for once.

Our morning was long and leisurely The grown ups had mimosas and sunrise mimosas. Little kids had milk. A present or two would be opened. We would play with the new present and then it would be time to open the next present. Spenser finally got around to his stocking which was crammed full of all kinds of goodies.

He got a set of big building blocks to play with. His favorite thing is to make a giant towering stack and then knock them over.

The aftermath of the present opening. We had a huge southwest strata for breakfast and skipped lunch in favor of lots of little hor d'eouvres in anticipation of the prime rib for dinner. Sometime around 4 pm, the grown ups finally got dressed.

Around 1 pm, we were hanging on the couch and noticed that Spenser had gotten particularly quiet. When I went around the end of the couch to see what he was looking at, I realized that he had fallen asleep! All the fun and excitement had worn him out. He has never just fallen asleep where he was and generally fights taking naps and going to bed.

As the afternoon progresses, he gradually oozed down the couch.....

until he ended up in a relatively horizontal position. He slept like this for an hour and a half. He woke up really really cranky and grumpy. I cuddled with him for a bit and then he and I took another hour long nap upstairs on the bed.

After his long long nap, he was in much better humor and ready to hold Harper.
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