It used to be just pictures of the house and garden. Then I added vacations and a boyfriend. I've since turned the boyfriend into a husband and added two babies to the mix. Occasionally I will throw in some cooking and crafting. (Click on photos to view them larger)
Monday, December 24, 2012
And to all a good night
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Late October Musing
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Spenser's beloved Bear was starting to stink and was looking a little manky. I just threw him into the wash on gentle with an extra rinse. This method has worked for Elmo and Cookie Monster. Fingers crossed it works for Bear.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Virginia Beach and Back
Mojito Cafe, unsurprisingly, has fabulous mojitos. The challenge was convincing Spenser that it was a "daddy drink" and not a kid drink.
We started off with conch fritters as an appetizer. After one taste, Spenser stole them all off the plate.
The next morning, we returned to a favorite breakfast place, the Pocohontas Pancake House.
Both kids ate up their pancakes. Once again, it pays to be early at this place. It's large, but gets really crowded quick.
We spent the early part of the day at the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center. We visited here last year, but only had a few hours to explored the main building. This time, we got to see it all, including the nice nature walk between the buildings. Here, Spenser is making the seismograph jiggle by jumping on the ground.
They have a great tunnel to walk through with fish, sharks, and rays swimming overhead and all around you.
Eaten by sharks! Again!
The next building over was more about Virginia aquatic life and had this nice play area for the kids.
Spenser inside a column shaped aquarium demonstrating the aquatic life in Virginia's bays.
After lunch, we went to Mt. Trashmore. They have an amazing playground there and the kids ran and played until they were both exhausted. Harper spent a lot of time inspecting this slide before going down it.
Spenser "rock climbing" at Mt. Trashmore.
After a nap, we spent the late afternoon at the beach, had some dinner and then headed back to the hotel. If you can't tell, both kids were exhausted.
Just a great picture. This is actually a little park we found on the way to Virginia Beach. It was in the middle of a random neighborhood right off the highway. Shout out to Yelp for always helping us find cool things to do.
We took the back way to drive home and stumbled on this great nature preserve. It's part of an old farm that is being allowed to go back to native grasses. The park bumps up against a waterway that dumps into the Rappahannock River and there is a canoe put in and a fishing dock. Spenser had a lot of fun collecting sticks and inspecting the little garter snake we found.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
We are on the beach on our now second annual vacation to Virginia Beach. The water is cold and rather rough. The waves are strong enough for boogie boarding and occasionally surfing. Neither Harper nor Spenser were interested in it after we let the waves wash over their feet. Spenser loves digging in the sand and chasing sea gulls. Harper seems to not like the sand at all and refuses to walk on it. She stays on our beach lays instead.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Harper is 12 months old!
Baby girl is a year old! We travelled to Oklahoma for her big party, but I just haven't had time to sit down and sort through all the photos.
Our girl is walking all over the place now. She is almost off all her bottles. She still gets one at bedtime and frequently wants one in the middle of the night. She occasionally still has one during the day. She is babbling up a storm. So far, we recognize the words for hat, ball (bop), this, and that. She loves to point at things and repeat this, this, this until you get her what she wants. She is VERY opinionated about what she wants and does not want and will express her displeasure with a high pitched squeal. She loves to play with whatever Spenser is interested in. Spenser is not always excited to share, however. She continues to suck her thumb when she is tired. She loves to snuggle on anything that is soft and fluffy. ( Shades of her mother)
We flew to Oklahoma for a quick 5 day visit and big birthday bash. The kids did great on the plane with a minimal of fussiness and no great meltdowns. We continue to be grateful for our friends, Carrie and Jon, in OKC for allowing us to have a post airplane break. We get to have some great conversation, eat pizza from my old favorite place, and the kids get their wiggles out before we hop in the car for our two hour drive. My awesome sister and mom put together a great party for Harper. We had a houseful of people and it was great to see all of them there. Spenser was very shy for the first thirty minute before he finally warmed up and started playing with the other kids. He was also a great help in opening Harper's presents. Harper just toddled all over the place, charming everyone. Thank you to everyone for sharing her day with us.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Ferris wheel
Got one loop on the ferris wheel at the Fredericksburg agriculture fair before we has to bail due to lightening. Torrential rain started on the way back to the car. Spenser is laughing his head off because we are all soaking wet.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Monday, July 09, 2012
Spenser update
In funnier anecdotes, that same night we had spaghetti for dinner. Spenser had eaten about half his bowl of spaghetti, plain with no butter or sauce, when he asked to take the rest into the coffee table. A little while later, he came back complaining about noodles in his nose. Nothing was hanging out of his nose (it was spaghetti, after all) so we thought he was making a joke. He kept complaining, so I had him blow his nose.....sure enough there was a 1/2 inch of spaghetti in the tissue! I reassured him that he had blown it out. He kept complaining of more noodles in his nose. I looked up his nose and couldn't see anything , but had him blow again. Another noodle in the tissue! When C and I quit laughing about this, I looked at him again and there was a third noodle hanging from his nose. I have no idea how he got three noodles up his nose, but I'm glad he had the sense to come tell us about it. Little noodle-head!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Harper is 11 months old!
Our girl is getting big! We've been asked more than once if she and Spenser are twins. She has cut three teeth on top (all in one week) and is working on the fourth. She loves to play pat-a-cake and peekaboo. She immediately starts dancing when she hears music. No real words yet, but she has lots of babbling. She can stand independently for up to 30 seconds at a time and is able to squat down to pick something up and stand back up without a problem. She's been swimming and seems to be a natural. She automatically rolls onto her tummy and starts kicking her feet.. She is very determined and, dare I say it, stubborn. She is absolutely delighted by the cat and endlessly fascinated by the computer.
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Harper is 10 months old!
Only a bit delayed in getting this published. Turns out two kids are twice the fun and more than twice the work. Harper has cut an upper tooth. It's not a central incisor, so she's looking a bit snaggle toothed. However, she is working on cutting both front teeth at the same time!. She is quite speedy with the crawling and will go up the stairs in a dash if you are not keeping a close eye on her. The girl's appetite is HUGE. For dinner, she will start with a bowl of mandarin oranges, followed by green beans and then pasta stars with sauce chased down with some graham crackers or animal crackers. After a bit of a wipe down, she will then be trying to pick food off of our plates. Guess she needs lots of energy to keep up with her brother. The walking should come any day out, Spenser!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tired boys
9 months old!
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Spenser Update
Harper's 8th month Birthday
Nosy baby. This is a cat hole in the basement door so the cats can get down to the litter box. We are currently having cork flooring put into a spare room down there so we can turn it into a playroom for the kiddos. She's checking out what all the noise is about.