I'm on day 7 of working 8 days in a row. I've been trying to get the house in order, buy all my Christmas presents and pack in the few hours a day that I happen to be conscious and NOT at work. C and I will fly to T town on the 17th. We're going to spend the night at this nice little hotel. The next day, I believe C has a bit more shopping to do and then we will be meeting our photographer for our engagement photos. This lady will also be doing our wedding photos. I love the sound of her voice on the phone. She sounds so bubbly and cheerful. I can't wait to finally meet her.
I should be in PC from th 19th to the 26th. If you are in town, stop by and say hello!
It used to be just pictures of the house and garden. Then I added vacations and a boyfriend. I've since turned the boyfriend into a husband and added two babies to the mix. Occasionally I will throw in some cooking and crafting. (Click on photos to view them larger)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Fall fell.
We went from hot Indian summer weather to chilly end of autumn weather with barely a pause in between. The fireplace has been revved up. Little Zoe loves to lay in front of the blower belly up. I've put the vegetable garden to bed for the winter. The patio is next. Hard to believe Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away.
The hotel has a group rate set up. Info can be found on the wedding site.
I'm headed to the Big Apple next week. I'm going to hang out with my buddy from residency, eat good food, drink good beer, and see the city like a native. (She grew up there)
If anybody knows where I can find silk tulle, please let me know. Google has failed me.
The hotel has a group rate set up. Info can be found on the wedding site.
I'm headed to the Big Apple next week. I'm going to hang out with my buddy from residency, eat good food, drink good beer, and see the city like a native. (She grew up there)
If anybody knows where I can find silk tulle, please let me know. Google has failed me.
Friday, October 19, 2007
The big poofy over the top wedding dress that has been sprinkled with glitter and sequins and beads has been bought! Not really. It's only partially poofy, not over the top and there is not a bit of glitter or sparkle anywhere on it. The thing is paid for, however, and the ladies at the workshop in New York City are hard at work on it as we speak.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
More annoying things in the middle of the night
I get home from work around 2 am the other night. Hit the button for the garage door. Door raises...stops after 2 feet. I repeat several times. Finally go in and peer at the darn door. Something is wrong...it just doesn't look right. Turns out a torsion spring has broken. Apparently a self repair is far too dangerous for any mere mortal so I'm hunting for a good door repairman.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I got home from work around 2 am. Not so strange and I didn't notice anything odd, but at that time, all I'm interested in is sleep. This morning, I went out to get the newspaper and noticed that my hanging planter and a little ceramic planter were missing off the front porch. So weird. I checked the backyard and everything is intact there. There are much more valuable things that the little sneak could have taken....why a heavy hanging planter and a pot of rose moss?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Not bridal
Apparently, I'm not bride material in the land of commerce. I went through 5 floors of a huge mall, every floor of every anchor store, a fancy formal dress shop and a really expensive fancy formal dress shop. Got ignored in every single one of them even though it was glaringly obvious I was looking at bridal type stuff. Even said hello to one salesgirl, who promptly turned her back and sashayed off. Harrumph. If the brick and mortar stores ever wonder why they are losing business to the internet, here is a prime example.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
More wedding nonsense
This wedding planning is continuing in fits and starts. I now have my bartender reserved and have a photographer. She does gorgeous work. See it here and drool at the prettiness of it all. She's an Oklahoma girl transplanted to Arkansas and sounds like a fun person over the phone. I've also picked out the local hotel. I'll get the block rate set up and update on the wedding site soon.
In non-wedding related nonsense. we have had picture perfect weather recently. I turned the AC off and opened all the windows 5 days ago and haven't looked back since. I'm hoping it continues this way and does just a gentle glide into the rest of fall.
In non-wedding related nonsense. we have had picture perfect weather recently. I turned the AC off and opened all the windows 5 days ago and haven't looked back since. I'm hoping it continues this way and does just a gentle glide into the rest of fall.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Busy little bee
While the roofers are racing rain back home, I've been quite productive back on the plains. In one day, I inspected the wedding site, met with the decorator, interviewed a photographer, inspected the sound system, dropped by the Chamber of Commerce for information for my guests, bought supplies for silk flower arrangements, and met with my caterer. Whoooo am I tired.
Monday, August 06, 2007
I'm thrilled to my toenails that my wonderful friend J has crawled out of the woodwork to let me know that he is planning on being at the nuptial celebrations. I haven't seen him since my early days in Detroit and I really miss chatting with him on a regular basis. Without him and a few other key people, I might not have made it through med school mentally intact. Of course, there are those who would say I was never mentally intact....but I say nyah, nyah, nyah to them.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Listmaking, deluxe edition
This wedding planning stuff is a headache. The actual event is 10 months out, so there should be plenty of time, but I would like everything to be settled NOW. I have at least 3 three page lists of things that need to be done. Writing things down usually gets them out of my head and I don't worry so much, but just looking at the ginormous number of things to be done just makes me anxious.
I have a few things nailed down...date, venue, cute boy, an invite list. Those are the basics. It's the details that are killing me. C keeps reminding me that this is a marathon, not a sprint. I appreciate the concept, but it doesn't help much. I've always been a little ADD when it comes to getting things done. Probably the same reason why I went into ER instead of surgery or OB. Gah. All advice would be helpful.
I have a few things nailed down...date, venue, cute boy, an invite list. Those are the basics. It's the details that are killing me. C keeps reminding me that this is a marathon, not a sprint. I appreciate the concept, but it doesn't help much. I've always been a little ADD when it comes to getting things done. Probably the same reason why I went into ER instead of surgery or OB. Gah. All advice would be helpful.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Wedding bells are ringing.
My geekiness is expanding by leaps and bounds. The official wedding website can be found here.
On other fronts, this wedding planning is taxing. I have so many lists running in my head that I can't get them down on paper fast enough. If you know me, you know I am an inveterate list maker, keeping a book of lists with me at all times. If you have any helpful tips, please let me know before my head explodes!
On other fronts, this wedding planning is taxing. I have so many lists running in my head that I can't get them down on paper fast enough. If you know me, you know I am an inveterate list maker, keeping a book of lists with me at all times. If you have any helpful tips, please let me know before my head explodes!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Pleasing summer view
It has finally cooled off (!) to 89 F from a high of 99 F today. I was doing a few chores in the yard and checked on my herb garden. I planted lavender on a whim last year. I wasn't sure if it would make it through the winter. It did sprout back up and is blooming right now. I've always hated the smell of lavender, but after smelling this, I realized I had never smelled real lavender. What I hated was the smell of synthetic, overly sweet and powdery lavender fragrance in body lotion and bath soap. Fresh lavender is amazing! The honeybees seemed to agree as well. There were at least 8 fat bumblebees dancing around my two little lavender plants, eating up that tasty nectar. If they are part of a formal hive someplace, some honey farmer will be pleased with the lavender honey these little workers are soon to be producing.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Atack of the Zoe
Friday, June 15, 2007
Relaxation at last!
I had a lovely spa day yesterday. I spent the morning shopping for dresses at Nordstrom's and had a quick lunch at Johnny Rocket's. Then, I hit the spa at the bottom of Old Towne. I nearly fell asleep during the facial, had a most invigorating and knot-blasting massage and had a two hour mani-pedi. That last bit was most indulgent. C was waiting for me when I got done. We cooked a lovely dinner and then indulged in the most decadent ice cream EVAH!. Green and Black Chocolate Ice Cream. I have to thank Leslie for introducing me to the heaven that is Green and Black's Chocolate. It's super dark and not overly sugary. Very highly quality stuff for the serious chocolate addict. They make a cherry and dark chocolate bar, but unfortunately, do not sell it in the US. If anyone finds it here, buy me a boatload and I will reimburse you upon delivery!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Surprise Birthday!
On May 12th, C and I flew to Dallas for a quick overnight trip. Mission: Surprise Grandma for her birthday. Sneaky Grandma had been calling all her friends and inviting them out to dinner. Everyone thought she knew about the party and kept turning her down. I think her feelings were starting to get a little hurt until she showed up at the restaurant and saw everyone who loved her there. Lots of love, Grandma!!

I think she was just little bit surprised. Overwhelmed, is more like it!

My mama and my grandma. Hugs! Love!

My grandma with her three daughters and all her grandkids, except Leslie. (Missed you Leslie!)
Her very cool, yummy chocolate cake that Aunt Terry put together.
Grandma with the fattest small dog in the world, Mitzi. (Yes, she does get her own breakfast sandwich at McDonald's)

To really explain what they are doing here would take up way too much space and would get lost in translation. Email me if you really want to know. Or...just laugh....it's what I do.

The three sisters with their Uncle James, recreating an old photo for old times' sake.
I think she was just little bit surprised. Overwhelmed, is more like it!
My mama and my grandma. Hugs! Love!
My grandma with her three daughters and all her grandkids, except Leslie. (Missed you Leslie!)
To really explain what they are doing here would take up way too much space and would get lost in translation. Email me if you really want to know. Or...just laugh....it's what I do.
The three sisters with their Uncle James, recreating an old photo for old times' sake.
Monday, June 11, 2007
I just finished my latest round of night shifts. The past two nights have been quite hellish. I felt like I was back in Detroit on Saturday night...lots of major car accidents and butt kickings. To get myself back on a regular schedule, I try to sleep as little as possible during the day I end my last night shift. I'm not useful for anything, but it does get me back into the regular swing of things. On Thursday, I'm going here for a much needed afternoon of relaxation. C. gave me a gift certificate at Christmas and I'm planning on living it up like a lady who lunches...a morning of shopping, lunch with C, and then an afternoon of pampering.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Garden stuff
In case anybody is interested at all, I found this this link discussing mulch with the whys and wherefores explained rather clearly. There are several calculators out there on the intarwebs to determine how much mulch you should buy. This one is useful, I think, in that it also will calculate the cost for you.
More Falconry
Friday, May 11, 2007
Pretty flowers

This one is called Cherub's Smile. I planted it two years ago and it has finally bloomed.

This is a peony planted two years ago as well. It has finally bloomed, but peonies are notorious for taking several years to bloom after being planted. It is supposed to be a dark, ruffly red called "Karl Rosenfeld". It doesn't look like the pictures after all.

This is a falcon I had the pleasure of handling in April at the Homestead. The nice couple that took the class with me had a camera and are sending me pictures now that we have the email kinks worked out. Isn't she gorgeous?
Iris eyes are smilin'
Cheesy, I know. Last fall, I went on a bearded iris buying kick. I ran out of places to put them. I ended up placing four into the veggie bed just to have a place to put them. Two started blooming yesterday. They sure are purty...

Olympic Challenge

Earl of Essex.
And shhhhh, a big secret is happening this weekend. I can't delve into too many details, but, needless to say, someone I know is going to be very surprised this weekend.

Olympic Challenge

Earl of Essex.
And shhhhh, a big secret is happening this weekend. I can't delve into too many details, but, needless to say, someone I know is going to be very surprised this weekend.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
It's spring...really, I thnk.
The weather has been consistently warm the past two weeks. I've put down my pre-emergent and sprayed the overgrowth of weeds on the lawn. The flowering plum has flowered. My weeping willow has put out tiny green leaves. My forsythia is in bloom and my Yoshino cherries are blooming.
From the patio, they still look tiny, but I can already envision how they will block the view of the neighbor's yard.
A close up of the delicate, pale pink blossoms.
Zoe T. Cat didn't like that I was outside having fun in the yard without her. She complained a lot in her sweet, whiny, tiny little cat voice.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Ain't no sunshine when you're gone
Who took my Spring away? We went from 80 and sunny to 40, rainy and miserable. The area is looking at snow and sleet tonight and my daffs just started blooming. The weather gods have a miserable sense of humor, I do believe.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Spring has Sprung!
I know it is still officially 9 days away, but spring is just leaping up all over my little patch of earth. I had the day off today and it is warm enough to go outside without looking like I'm on an antarctic expedition. The crocuses are blooming. The daffs and tulips are starting to emerge. I imagine they should be in full bloom by the end of the month. My Japanese cherry trees are budding. As pricey as they are, I'm really happy they survived the winter.
They are predicting a perfect bloom for this year's Cherry Blossom Festival.
If anyone is up for wandering the Mall in perfect Spring weather while surrounded by flurries of perfect pink and white flower petals, come for a visit.
They are predicting a perfect bloom for this year's Cherry Blossom Festival.
If anyone is up for wandering the Mall in perfect Spring weather while surrounded by flurries of perfect pink and white flower petals, come for a visit.
Representin' the 313
I know these little quizzes are dorky, but this one cracked me up. I only lived there for 5 years and apparently, I can blend in like a native.
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
Friday, March 09, 2007
Loves me some Kitty Pi
I made a list at the beginning of the year and my goal is to actually finish some of the half dozen or so knitting projects that I have started and never finished. I'm happy to say, first one down, several to go! I made a Kitty Pi for Zoe T. Cat. She always seems rather pleased with herself when she is in it. It's made from some no-name gray wool that I found at a store in Las Vegas and is edged with Bernat's eyelash yarn.

From above, she always seems just squeezed into it. I've contemplated reblocking it and making it a smidge bigger, but she doesn't seem to mind.
From above, she always seems just squeezed into it. I've contemplated reblocking it and making it a smidge bigger, but she doesn't seem to mind.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Morning surprise
I got home from work last night around 1 AM. While chilly, everything was dry. I woke up at 9 AM to at least 2 inches of snow on the ground and a lot more still falling. A very pretty surprise, indeed. When it snows, this is what my backyard looks like:

It's supposed to warm later and start raining. I'm hoping it will so I don't have to shovel my drive...maybe the snow will just melt away while I'm at work this evening. Ha...not likely.
It's supposed to warm later and start raining. I'm hoping it will so I don't have to shovel my drive...maybe the snow will just melt away while I'm at work this evening. Ha...not likely.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Years later, she emerged from the gloom
Yes, I suck at keeping this thing updated. Since last I even logged on, we have had Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's Day. I think there was even a wedding thrown in there for good measure. (No, not mine, so don't even ask) Like that silly ad says, "Life comes at you fast." I'm not even sure what they are advertising...cars, insurance, hamburgers?? Who knows.
The most recent and relevant thing to happen was last week. C and I celebrated 4 years of dating blissitude on Valentine's Day. The following Friday, we hopped a jet to Puerto Rico and spent President's Day weekend basking on a warm, sunny beach. It was a definite improvement from the 4 degree weather here in the DC area. I was trying to pack light and left any cold weather gear in the car. Let me tell you, there is nothing more eye opening than slipping across an icy long term parking lot at 5:30 AM in flip flops while dragging a suitcase behind you. C has the camera, so photos are pending. If you are interested in making the trip, we stayed here.
The most recent and relevant thing to happen was last week. C and I celebrated 4 years of dating blissitude on Valentine's Day. The following Friday, we hopped a jet to Puerto Rico and spent President's Day weekend basking on a warm, sunny beach. It was a definite improvement from the 4 degree weather here in the DC area. I was trying to pack light and left any cold weather gear in the car. Let me tell you, there is nothing more eye opening than slipping across an icy long term parking lot at 5:30 AM in flip flops while dragging a suitcase behind you. C has the camera, so photos are pending. If you are interested in making the trip, we stayed here.
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