
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Day 6

I got home from work around 2:15 AM last night and have to be back at work at 3 PM.  Not much energy for more than playing with the kids and straightening up one little drawer in my desk.  It's much neater now, but I should probably get some sort of little boxes or dividers to keep it looking organized.  

Trashed - Handful of wrinkled, non sticky sticky notes, lots of hole punch dots (Does all this stuff count as 1 item?)

Donate - 3 packages of garage sale price stickers/tags, 1 package of book plates, 4 bookmarks, a giant seam ripper from a drug rep (why is it knife sharp?), 1 package of tapestry needles

Total - 11 items

Grand total - 156 items

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